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National Family Health Survey: ‘Nearly 50 per cent of deliveries in pvt facilities through C-section’

Dr K S James, Director of the International Institute of Population Sciences told The Indian Express that the ideal rate for caesarean sections should be between 10 per cent and 15 per cent. According to experts, the situation has become grim and the physician-induced demand can be controlled. “The rise in C-section deliveries in the government sector could also be due to complicated cases being referred to the public health facilities during the last stages,” Dr James said.
Dr Sanjay Gupte, former President of Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI) attributed this rising trend to various reasons, including late pregnancies, increasing use of reproductive techniques, more obesity and lifestyle changes and overall demand by patients to avoid complications.
“A crucial factor is neither the patient nor the doctor wants to take any risk as fear of complications can lead to legalities. According to guidelines in Western countries, for instance, even if there is an unfortunate death of the infant, then the doctor is legally protected. However, in our country there is a need for such authentic guidelines so that the government and judiciary can agree for protection towards the doctor in the event of medico legalities,” Dr Gupte told The Indian Express.
Dr Gupte also challenged set notions that the doctor earns more for performing a C-section vis-a-vis a normal delivery. “The cost varies according to the facility. The doctor does not stand to earn more for a C section, other charges are taken into consideration,” he pointed out.
Medical experts have now urged the Centre to include pregnant and breastfeeding women in the Covid-19 vaccination drive.

Medical experts have now urged the Centre to include pregnant and breastfeeding women in the Covid-19 vaccination drive. Currently, doctors cannot advise vaccinations for this group, unless the health ministry revises guidelines But many doctors said vaccinations for expecting and lactating women should be allowed.
Pune-based gynaecologist Sanjay Gupte said, "Covishield and Covaxin do not contain any live virus. They are non-replicating virus vaccines. There is no biological mechanism that can cause infection to the mother or unborn foetus. So there is no transmission in pregnancy or through breast milk. Besides, it is unethical to deny them their fundamental right to health." Dr.Gupte is the chairman (ethical committee) of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics.
"Countries like the US, UK, and Australia have included pregnant/breastfeeding women in the Covid vaccination process," Dr.Gupte said.