What is Gestosis?
Gestosis is a serious disorder affecting motherhood and causes both immediate and future consequences to the mother and her baby. In medical terms, Gestosis is a pathological alteration in the normal physiology of pregnancy which is seemingly influenced by a host of factors such as ethnicity, race, age, genetics, and the environment. It typically manifests itself through serious complications and consequences including preeclampsia, eclampsia (seizures), HELLP syndrome, kidney failure, stroke, cardiac diseases, and pregnancy hypertension. This age-old disorder has evolved over time, primarily as a consequence of lifestyle changes. While its overall occurrence is seen in 7 - 15 % of pregnant mothers, nearly 50-70% of complicated pregnancies are Gestosis-affected.
Substantial research is needed to identify the various causative factors of Gestosis, as also to understand the pathogenesis of the disease conglomeration with more clarity and conviction. Focused research, comprehensive training, standardization of practices, and dedicated efforts alone will help us control the disease, prevent complications, and reduce the poor maternal and neonatal outcomes attributed to hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, especially eclampsia. We need to create awareness about the disease among all stakeholders – both health care providers and the public at large as a key step in the war against this devastating pregnancy complication. With the underlying objectives in mind, we have incepted the Gestosis India Association (GIA), the Indian chapter of the World Organization Gestosis - (The OGASH)
GIA Vision
To help control the causes and consequences of Gestosis, thereby creating a happy society thriving on the strong foundation of healthy women and children
GIA Mission
GIA encourages research, training, establishment of standard practice guidelines, and community awareness towards reducing the perinatal morbidity and mortality caused by Gestosis.
GIA Objectives

Establishing standard practice guidelines for prevention, early detection, and management of preeclampsia

Increasing awareness and training of all concerned on standard clinical aspects of Gestosis

Reducing maternal morbidity and mortality due to Gestosis in our country

Fostering crucial research in the field of Gestosis

Launching an online Journal and website, and publishing topical articles and case studies

Advocacy at the level of the government for including standard practices in the implementation of maternal health and neonatal health-related issues.

Collecting and analyzing key clinical data
Dr. Sanjay Gupte is the Secretary General of the World Gestosis Organization. The inaugural World Congress of Gestosis was held in Pune in the year 2010 (The 43rd meeting) which unfurled the Gestosis Movement in India.