Manyata accreditation

Gupte Hospital is a Manyata Accredited Service Provider.
Manyata is a FOGSI Initiative to ensure all pregnant women receive high-quality maternity care through competent and confident providers who demonstrate adherence to 16 FOGSI Clinical Standards in line with the WHO standards of quality care.
How does it benefit our patients?
- Manyata Registered Hospitals maintain high quality of care and patient safety. The patients get services by credentialed medical staff. Rights of patients are respected and protected. Patient satisfaction is regularly evaluated, and respectful maternity care is provided.
- Manyata Registered Hospitals stimulate continuous improvement. They enable hospitals to demonstrate total commitment to quality care. They also raise community confidence in the services provided by the hospital and enable healthcare units to benchmark with the best.
- The Staff in Manyata Accredited hospital undergo continuous training on critical aspects like good working environment, leadership, and ownership of clinical processes, resulting in increased efficiency and skills. Upgradation of staff skills and competencies happens as a continuous process.
- Manyata results in uniformity of care to all patients by prescribing standard treatment protocols followed in all Manyata Registered Hospitals.
- Getting accredited to Manyata also leads to better documentation of results and cases, thus creating a credible repository of data for further reference and research.